Monday, 14 January 2013

Public information films

What is a Public information film?

They are short films which are meant to inform the public on issues in society. They are short films/moving images.

What purpose does it serve?

They are meant to make you take action by informing and pursuading the public.

Who are the text producing institutions?

The text producing institutions are institutions set up by local and national government, such as:

What are audience expectations?

The audience expections are that they exepect to be challenged and pursuaded.

Public Information film example:

The media language in this advert creates an image of a normal family man, who is most probably cherished and loved by others. It uses icons to show this by adding kids toys and a barbecue set suggesting that this is possibly a father with young children, adding to the emotion that could be felt and pulling on our heart strings.
The narrative s that the person smoking is making a life or death decision through smoking. It does this by showing the cancerus cells that build up when a person smokes, this leaves the narrative at a dis-equilibrium,

How does the text meet the audience expectations?

It meets the audience expectation through the provision of good entertainment. It does this by putting the words harry Sensation as the subheading, making the audience think that the story is a Daily Mirror exclusive. The story also invokes a sense of patriotism because it talks of Prince Harry killing Taliban and as Prince Harry is someone who is liked by the papers readers, people are  

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